Irish Times – Was sculptor Gerda Frömel too subtle for success?
By Aidan Dunne
It could be said that IMMA’s Gerda Frömel: A Retrospective is overdue, but the point is that it is happening and that it is well done – Seán Kissane is the curator – and is exactly the kind of exhibition the museum is intended for.
Irish Examiner – Tragic life reflected in impressive body of work
By Alan O’Riordan
As a first and last truly monumental work, it [‘Sails’] is poignant, hinting at what could have been achieved in a longer career; but it is also the summation of a remarkably broad talent, and of a major artist who deserves her place in the Irish canon.
Sunday Times – A Woman of Some Importance (paywall)
By Cristín Leach Hughes
There is such an air of tragedy about the superb Gerda Frömel retrospective at the Irish Museum of Modern Art (Imma), it is tempting to get sidelined by the artist’s backstory, rather than step back and acknowledge, in the presence of her work, the measure of a genius we lost 40 years ago.